Male Maltipoo Puppies

About US ,Please read first
The Male Maltipoo
Maltipoo Delivery Dates
Maltipoo Information ,Prices and Other

Maltipoo Information ,Prices and Other

Why ? Why ? Why ? okay enough with whys ,now some answers .
The maltipoo also known as malt-i-poo ,maltepoo ,maltapoo, multipoo , maltese-poodle and maltdoodle ,Europe as Moodle ..
Names all are one dog .Breeders name the dogs they breed ,however with this particular one it has gotten really funny ...and some can't spell ..hence Multipoo ...but is way out of control . Every breeder trying for something that is a little more over the top for what ? Sales ...yes sales ..
If they can somehow make you believe they named the dog , they can sell more ...
No one knows why silliness took over or when ,we do know this . It is all the same dog and no matter what you name it still is all the same crossbreed .

INFO on Maltipoos
Prices from
Alot have asked why mine are a little higher than some .
There are several reasons .
Ours get all their shots ,are wormed ,vetted
and we keep them longer . So the food we feed which is very expensive costs us more .
We don't pull our puppies and see them off at 6 to 8 weeks old .
Call a vet ,ask how much it is for 2 more rounds of vaccines , rabbies shot ,bordatella shot and microchipped ,add the food cost(Eukanuba or Science Diet )  for another 4 to 6 weeks or more ,the best wormer which is drontal Plus ,revolution and then see if you are really saving a thing ..I can say now ,you aren't .
So ,go with us for your puppy,you will pay less that way ,cause yours won't die of Parvo .
Have a great day !

Maltipoo Males just lazing about !


Our Maltipoos are vetted , 3 rounds of Parvo /distemper (Fort Dodge ) , Bordatella Shot , Rabbies and Microchipped .
Our puppies do not leave until after 12 weeks of age .
Bonding with your puppy
Some say a puppy will not bond with a human if it is older than 6 to 10 weeks of age .
Oh how WRONG that is !
If that were the case you could not bond with a dog from a rescue or pound . a dog will bond if they are well socialized .
Ours are .
Be assured ,if you love your puppy it will bond with you .
Our vet is Williams Animal Clinic ...Dr Williams or Dr Holder
256-574-6214 call them and ask about Shirley's puppies .

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maltipoo maltepoo,maltipoos maltepoos multipoo maltapoo